Deduction from single premise

From particular premise

  1. A <> B => There are B.
  2. B <> A => There are B.
  3. A |> B => There are B.
  4. B <| A => There are B.

To universal sentence

  1. There are no B. => A < B
  2. There are no B. => B > A
  3. There are no B. => A | B
  4. There are no B. => B | A

From universal premise

  1. A <. B => There are B.
  2. B .> A => There are B.
  3. A |. B => There are B.
  4. B .| A => There are B.

Such deductions from a single universal premise are not valid for the "undotted" A, A* and E relations.

See also (1, §13, p.72).


[1] Willard van Orman Quine. Methods of Logic. Second Edition Revised 1962, Reprinted (with corrections) 1966.